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Webinar Series


A powerful way to provide training that is sustainable throughout the year is by providing one day of training in bite-sized chunks over the course of the year.  Participating in a webinar series as a leader or teacher allows the participant to train for one hour and then apply their learning over the next month until the next part of the training is held.

The beauty of this training model is that this training is  equivalent to a full day of training that is spread out over  8 months, and this allows teachers to retain more information than they would in a traditional face to face training.   Since teacher training is hard to provide due to issues with procuring subs and missing instruction, webinar series are a great option.  Additionally, each session is recorded an available for participants to view over the month before the next session.

To sign your school up for this training, please CLICK HERE to contact us for pricing on this professional learning opportunity.

Explanation of Training

WinkEd Webinars

WinkEd Webinars

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